Translating talk:Oppia
This message is not translatable; it's a lego piece that makes no sense on its own.
I would like to know if the word is Story or History. It is a little confuse for me when I Think in subjects.
- Response: This is an error, it should be History. Thank you for bringing this up! We will fix it.
{{PLURAL|one=a minute ago|%s minutes ago}}
I could not translate this. I receive the attached error message. Can anyone help me with this?

- Response: I think you might need to include the ZERO, SOME, MANY, etc. cases as well.
I don't understand the original text: "some" means, according to me, several items, when "<[classroomName]>" means one item, no? The documentation (see indicates "some topics" and the name of the message is talking about "some heading". So why topics or headings is not in the English text rather than the name of a specific classroom?
- Response: Here, "some" refers to topics in that classroom. So, for example, this will become: "already know some math?", "already know some science?" -- where "math", "science" are the broad "classrooms", and "some math" refers to knowing some of the topics in math.