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Translating talk:Oppia

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This message is not translatable; it's a lego piece that makes no sense on its own.

I would like to know if the word is Story or History. It is a little confuse for me when I Think in subjects.

  • Response: This is an error, it should be History. Thank you for bringing this up! We will fix it.

{{PLURAL|one=a minute ago|%s minutes ago}} I could not translate this. I receive the attached error message. Can anyone help me with this? Thanks,

  • Response: I think you might need to include the ZERO, SOME, MANY, etc. cases as well.

I don't understand the original text: "some" means, according to me, several items, when "<[classroomName]>" means one item, no? The documentation (see https://translatewiki.net/w/i.php?title=Oppia:I18N_CLASSROOM_PAGE_ALREADY_KNOW_SOME_HEADING/qqq) indicates "some topics" and the name of the message is talking about "some heading". So why topics or headings is not in the English text rather than the name of a specific classroom?

  • Response: Here, "some" refers to topics in that classroom. So, for example, this will become: "already know some math?", "already know some science?" -- where "math", "science" are the broad "classrooms", and "some math" refers to knowing some of the topics in math.