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English messages

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Nnemo

Hi Nnemo, you have done it again. It does not work! Please report necessary changes to English on Support only. A developer will handle it.

Btw: What was the purpose of your change? I do not see a visible difference.

Raymond13:27, 24 October 2012

A non-breaking space. This is needed for good typography !

Nnemo (talk)21:17, 26 October 2012

I understand. But NEVER NEVER NEVER edit the English source message. It is/will be overwritten by our automatic scripts, see this and this edit by the FuzzyBot. Please file a bug in Bugzilla or open a new thread with your suggestion on Support. Thanks.

Raymond08:48, 27 October 2012

NEVER NEVER NEVER. What's unclear about that?

Siebrand20:44, 28 November 2012

You have done it again and again today. Not only on English messages. Have you read what Raymond and Siebrand wrote to you before?

Macofe (talk)20:01, 29 September 2015

"Not only on English messages."

You seem to contradict your whole crusade.

Nnemo (talk)09:36, 20 February 2016

I made corrections. These are good. They have to be taken into account, if this has not been done yet.

Nnemo (talk)09:38, 20 February 2016