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Language name

Language name

Edited by another user.
Last edit: 21:07, 1 January 2022


Thank you for the amazing contributions to the Nheengatu translations!

You have translated so many strings that you are getting close to a point when this language will be officially and fully supported in MediaWiki. I have several questions about this:

The first is about the language name.

Imagine a list of languages:

  • العربية
  • Avañe'ẽ
  • Aymar aru
  • English
  • Español
  • Français
  • Português
  • Runa Simi
  • Русский
  • Svenska
  • Nhẽẽgatú

How should the name of your language appear in such a list? I see several variants online: Nhẽẽgatú, Ñe'engatú, Yẽgatu, and more. What should be used?

Amir E. Aharoni (talk)10:35, 29 December 2021

Beep :)

I'd really love an answer :)

Also, happy new year!

Amir E. Aharoni (talk)22:13, 31 December 2021

Hello, the variant of nheengatu that I use is Traditional Nheengatu and we write this as "Nhẽẽgatú". The principal characteristic of this variant is the use of the "Ç" and "NH". So, it should appear as "Nhẽẽgatú" in the list of languages.

Thank so much, happy new year.

Karapananguasú Kururú Teremembé (talk)20:12, 1 January 2022

Thank you!

Amir E. Aharoni (talk)22:04, 1 January 2022