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Wikidata:Menu Challenge

Wikidata:Menu Challenge


I noticed your contributions here during the Translation Rally, well done! I wanted to let you know about another contest that Wikimedia Sverige is organizing on Wikidata.org. In this contest the aim is to translate words related to food so that we can create multilingual menus that we will use at a food fare in a week. You can read all about it here. We would really appreciate having the menus in your language. Also, there are some handy instruction videos available if you haven't worked on Wikidata before.

Kind regards,

Jopparn (talk)06:50, 26 May 2015

Dear Jopparn, I want to know if language I used is valid about new context, because Tarandine hasn't ISO-639 code so all translations outside the MediaWiki scope will be discarded.

Thanks in advance.

Joe Taras (talk)07:37, 26 May 2015


I am not sure if I understand your question. On Wikidata you can pick Tarandine as your language and add descriptions, and that would be great! :-) Currently a full 294 labels are left untranslated. Also, Italian still have 72 labels left to translate.


Jopparn (talk)07:59, 26 May 2015


I start to translate. A question. My translation progress (list of pages updated by me) is automatically or I must write it?

Thanks in advance

Joe Taras (talk)10:05, 26 May 2015


You have to add your contributions manually I'm afraid.

Kind regards,

Jopparn (talk)23:49, 26 May 2015