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Feedback for new search translation features

Feedback for new search translation features


We have introduced new features in Search Translations. Please read about it in phabricator or test wiki. It would be really helpful if you could give us some feedback about the new features in Search Translations.

Thank you and we shall be waiting for your feedback.

Phoenix303 (talk)05:55, 15 July 2015

Giovani, ciao! Sarebbe già tanto se le mie traduzioni venissero salvate, ma dopo alcuni tentativi, oggi almeno, rimangono "Non tradotte" segnalate dentro rettangolino rosa. Non sembra molto efficiente già il salvataggio basilare...

Glo (talk)08:11, 20 August 2015

Hi Glo!

There might be some problem, if you are facing any issue while translating, please report here or on phabricator. I think you will be able to search and translate messages now.

Phoenix303 (talk)18:06, 24 August 2015