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New main page is great

New main page is great

Hi, I just want to say that I really like the new main page. It is really tidy now and does not scare off potential translators. One little suggestion: Perhaps it is possible to condense the part above the project list to reduce the space needed there (margin-top and margin-bottom). Right now, you are using a lot of blanc space which increases the hight of the page. To my personal experience it is always better to reduce scrolling. Cheers --kgh 08:34, 6 July 2010 (UTC)

kgh08:34, 6 July 2010

Thanks for a kudos. It cost many sof us a lot of sweat :)

I have removed the whitespace I could find, and that didn't appear to reduce whitespace between the top and bottom halves. Would appreciate help. Please create a concept for an update, making a copy of the main page in Main Page/draft and make the updates there. Please let us know when done so we can assess the result.

Siebrand14:05, 6 July 2010

I looked at the browser preview of the new main page. Between the text

Translatewiki.net is a localisation platform for translation communities, language communities, and free and open source projects.

and the button

Start Translating

is shown a <p> tag containing a <br /> tag only: <p><br /></p>. The same is between the text of

Assistive technologies


We are looking for help.

The <p> tag inserts a new line before and after text and <br /> additionally a line break.

Michawiki20:17, 6 July 2010

That whitespace is there on purpose, to separate the main informational items from the less immidiate links to information.

Siebrand20:58, 6 July 2010

This is ok and useful to my opinion. As Siebrand interpreted correctly I meant the space between the two main sections.

kgh21:14, 6 July 2010

I will post a solution if I find one. However I am a bit puzzled at the moment. Not that this is very hard, but... Cheers --kgh 21:27, 6 July 2010 (UTC) If somebody is faster: Go for it!

kgh21:27, 6 July 2010