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failing to install Translate on my mediawiki instance: table not found

failing to install Translate on my mediawiki instance: table not found

I am trying to add Translate extension to my instance of mediawiki @ http://rusefi.com but I am experiencing a 'table not found' error, I hope it's the right place to ask for help?

I believe that I have followed the http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Translate#Installation instruction precisely - I have uploaded the new folder to my server and I have added one line into my LocalSettings.php - I believe that's all the Installation section requires?

Unfortunately I am getting an error: Query:

  SELECT tmi_value FROM `wiki_translate_messageindex` WHERE tmi_key = '0:main_Page' LIMIT 1
  Function: DatabaseMessageIndex::get
  Error: 1146 Table 'db515168816.wiki_translate_messageindex' doesn't exist (db515168816.db.1and1.com)


   0 /homepages/5/d451478433/htdocs/wiki/includes/db/Database.php(1039): DatabaseBase->reportQueryError('Table 'db515168...', 1146, 'SELECT tmi_val...', 'DatabaseMessage...', false)
   1 /homepages/5/d451478433/htdocs/wiki/includes/db/Database.php(1496): DatabaseBase->query('SELECT tmi_val...', 'DatabaseMessage...')

That's with some debugging options in my config.

What am I missing here? is it required to run any sort of 'maintenance' scripts in order to install the extension? Where can I read about it? Is it absolutely required to have shell access in order to Install Tranlsate? I know that In addition, shell access is required to run maintenance scripts. but it is a bit vague if installation itself is a maintenance task :)

I have MediaWiki 1.22.2, PHP 5.4.25 (cgi-fcgi), MySQL 5.1.73-log

Russian (talk)19:07, 23 February 2014

Yes, running update.php is needed as with all extensions using own database tables. Please follow the instructions at mw:Help:Extension:Translate/Installation i.e. mw:MLEB.

Nemo (talk)19:14, 23 February 2014

I've got a suggestion on another forum which solved my problem: I had to run the 'mediawiki upgrade' thing through the mw-config

I believe the installation instruction should explicitly state the need to 'upgrade' the instance after adjusting the LocalSettings file. The way the installation instruction is right now is a bit confusing :)

Russian (talk)19:17, 23 February 2014

Yes, I'm sorry, I fixed them now. The installation instructions were "vandalised" by an unknown user and mistakenly approved by a person unrelated to the Translate extension.

Nemo (talk)19:23, 23 February 2014

I wonder if I've lost the long message I've just typed? :(

Anyway. I was trying to say that currently I do not see any instructions or steps, I only see a list of requirements. And if 'Universal Language Selector' is required it should go above the optional stuff in that list.

And it would help if 'Universal Language Selector' would be a link...

Russian (talk)20:35, 23 February 2014

That's because instructions really want you to use MLEB.

Nemo (talk)20:52, 23 February 2014