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Unstrip loop/Unstrip recursion

Unstrip loop/Unstrip recursion

What do the expressions unstrip loop and unstrip recursion mean? Is unstrip a verb or a noun here? And what does it mean?

Forgot the messages:

Michawiki (talk)18:48, 9 May 2012

Unstrip is not a verb in those messages. If you know programming, unstrip is a function that is called recursively. Like f( f( f() ) ). Computers don't support infinite recursion, so there are checks that prevent it going to deep in the stack.

Is the message documentation not clear?

Nike (talk)11:27, 10 May 2012

Thank you, Nike. The message documentation tells nothing about the word unstrip. And not every translator is a programmer. I think this word should be translatable, also as special term of computer programming. Well, the best is I leave it untranslated.

Michawiki (talk)16:29, 10 May 2012

Looks like what I said is ambiguous. I don't mean that unstrip is recursive function, rather that in MediaWiki there exists a function unstrip in the parser, and that it is implemented recursively in MediaWiki. The unstrip itself refers to the process of putting the output of parser functions in the place of the parser function call.

Nike (talk)06:43, 11 May 2012