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Translator lost many translations due to authentication issue

Translator lost many translations due to authentication issue

Quoting User:Jonbg:

Reason I am writing is that I had an issue today: I had saved about 35% of the Icelandic translation of Blockly, then continued today and was up to 80% when the translatewiki environment let me down in a big way. None of my translations today was saved!
It seems that because I had left the page open all night I lost my login, yet the page seemed to accept and save each translation (I could go back to earlier translations). At the start I was wondering if I might have been logged out, but since I could save each translation I assumed I was still logged in.
At the end of my session I clicked one of the tabs at the top and up popped a rather vague message that I had some unsaved translations. I checked and saw the translation box was open and assumed that was causing the popup. So I OK'ed the popup. When I checked back all my day's work was gone :o( . Foul! Anyway, sadder but wiser I will try to finish the translation another day. By the way, is it possible to translate the help pages / documentation as well?

Can you recover the data and/or fix the problem for the future?

Ellen Spertus (talk)04:27, 29 November 2013

The unsaved translation are marked with gray "Unsaved" label on the message list. If those messages are opened there is yellow warning on top of the translation are detailing why. In addition we have the confirmation prompt as mentioned in the story.

There is no way we can recover those translations or "fix" the problem as we cannot recreate the session again for the user.

I could think of additional warning after the user has more than N unsaved messages.

Nike (talk)17:12, 30 November 2013

OK. Thanks for the response.

Ellen Spertus (talk)23:45, 30 November 2013