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Switch to Flow or to regular wikitext discussions

Switch to Flow or to regular wikitext discussions

LQT does not support mention notifications, so even if user is explicitely mentioned in thread, s/he doesn't get any notification about that. Which makes it quite hard to join conversations relevant to the user - basically unless the user is explicitely notified by someone involved in the discussion that his/her input is welcome/expected or having such talk page on watchlist, s/he never knows about that. Which may easily result in missing important conversation.

People are used to the fact that if they mention someone, such person is notified. It is not true in LQT but not so many people are aware of that.

Please switch to Flow or regular wikitext discussions, which provide this feature. (Or hack the LQT to do that too...)


Danny B.23:33, 20 August 2016

Support! As with LQT I usually got stuck when commenting now.

Liuxinyu970226 (talk)09:40, 29 August 2016