[[:Special:ContributionScores]] does not dsiplay accurate figures
Dear, I must return on this issue. I've understood the performance is important but, if we can't see the updated information about edit count and other, please remove some functionality from Translatewiki, as follow:
The page SupportedLanguages is unuseful because if I check information about an user the information are not update, as the following image:

The page Contribution scores is unuseful because is not update, as the following image:

And these widgets

I'll wait for your response.
Have a nice day
It's hard in your examples to know what you want to exhibit or what is the problem. I cannot reply further because I don't know the exact details about how these statistics are computed or if they are even correlated and indicate the same thing. Only the site owner/maintainer can help explain what they really display, and probably the interface is not precise enough or confusive (notably it acks an indicator about the date fo the last database snapshot on which they were computed, so it's hard to determine on which data they are based; even your images will not help more) I suggest you consider eah of the 3 images as separate cases and then try to explain each one. But for me all these are just estimates based on some unspecified snapshot at unknown dates, and there's no link at all in these 3 fragments to a page explaining what is their source and how they are maintained.
Hi, I don't know how these features can be computed or which sources have been used.
I try to explain better:
The first image (SupportedLanguage): In the detail, for each user you have the "current" (????) edit count, and when the last edit has been done. (The image tells 63 days ago, but every day I add translations).
The second image (Contribution socres): In the detail, you have a list of all users contributions about the last 7 days, last 30 days and overall. You can see empty the first and the second grid, the third is not update.
The third image (Widget in user page): In the detail, you have current contribution score (the same of the Contribution scores page in the third grid), the current edits count (new pages + edit existing pages), the current edits (only changes in the existing pages).
Until 2 months ago these information were always updated. I don't dispute if the team has stopped this counter, but, after this stop, IMHO, these information become unuseful, so can be deleted from the site.
I don't know who can reply instead of you, but I suppose if an active user wants to know some information, the team can reply to clarify its position.
Thank you for your reply, have a nice day
Hi, I don't know how these features can be computed or which sources have been used.
I try to explain better:
The first image (SupportedLanguage): In the detail, for each user you have the "current" (????) edit count, and when the last edit has been done. (The image tells 63 days ago, but every day I add translations).
The second image (Contribution socres): In the detail, you have a list of all users contributions about the last 7 days, last 30 days and overall. You can see empty the first and the second grid, the third is not update.
The third image (Widget in user page): In the detail, you have current contribution score (the same of the Contribution scores page in the third grid), the current edits count (new pages + edit existing pages), the current edits (only changes in the existing pages).
Until 2 months ago these information were always updated. I don't dispute if the team has stopped this counter, but, after this stop, IMHO, these information become unuseful, so can be deleted from the site.
I don't know who can reply instead of you, but I suppose if an active user wants to know some information, the team can reply to clarify its position.
Thank you for your reply, have a nice day