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Query translation memory?

Query translation memory?

Once in a while, the translation memory does not yield anything, or not the right messages, even though it obviously could. Most often, a minor spelling change of the original would likely do, such as omission or addition of punctuation, grammatical alterations, or substitution of a synonym. I wonder if we cannot have an extra search field in the message editor that is preset with the message in question and allows us to make these kind of amendments and hit "search again"?

Purodha Blissenbach (talk)09:03, 17 May 2015

ElasticSearch is currently overloaded, so I wouldn't take today's behaviour as representative. Most of the issues are tracked at phabricator:T48484.

As for adding more interface elements, we know that TUX maintainers are firmly opposed...

Nemo (talk)13:09, 17 May 2015

Well, I shall see, if I can find a decent solution for this. It would not be used often, at least not by me on twn, but rather on Meta wiki.

Purodha Blissenbach (talk)16:26, 17 May 2015