Project MAXS
The files to translate are */res/values/strings.xml for application local string resources and shared/res-global/values/sharedglobalstrings.xml. Given the nature of the project, that is currently 14 android applications and more to come, it's hard to place all resources in one directory. Ideally twn would pattern match on '*/res/values/strings.xml' and 'shared/res-*/values/*strings.xml', assume that the origin language is english and place the translations in the adequate counter part dirs e.g. values-de, values-jp and so on. Is this workflow feasible?
Is the src/language/qqq in maxs/src/language/qqq/strings.xml a real life example? It doesn't follow Android guidelines and standard resource locations, which would be res/values-qqq/strings.xml
I have to check on how do add the message documentation to the string resources. I guess they are encoded an extra xml attribute for the string.
It would be nice if there was native support for bitbucket, but creating a synced github project seems trivial, so I will give it a try. Edit: Ok there is no automated way for bitbucket ↔ github sync, so if you would add an account for bitbucket, it would spare me and future projects hosted on bitbucket some work.
I have setup an github repo @ but again, it would be great to get bitbucket support.
Besides that, I think I am done. Please let me know if there is something missing from my side.