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Localization update not reflected on arwiki

Localization update not reflected on arwiki

Hi. Is there a delay in localization update? These translations are still not reflected on arwiki although they are merged in the code repository on 18 January.

Meno25 (talk)06:07, 23 January 2018

Yes, there seems to be a problem based on that commit and w:ar:MediaWiki:Revreview-accuracy (which shows the earlier translation), although the server admin log has a line «02:21 l10nupdate@tin: scap sync-l10n completed (1.31.0-wmf.17) (duration: 05m 32s)».

Please file the bug against the deployment project.

Nemo (talk)14:37, 25 January 2018

Thank you, T186038

Meno25 (talk)19:11, 30 January 2018