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LibreRouter: new project with software and HowTo booklets

6) Where is the code for the parser-generators that are currently in use on TW.net? We'd like to look at them to get a sense of what it would take to write another.

7) Any suggestions on how to internationalize this relatively simple web page interface, https://github.com/libremesh/chef ?

Pato (talk)14:36, 12 November 2017
Nike (talk)15:26, 12 November 2017

6) Thanks, we'll look at those.

7) The maintainer of the software to internationalize (Chef) says: "I'm currently not using jQuery in Chef but plain JavaScript. I'd rather keep it that way - if possible. Some quick searches resulted in https://github.com/eligrey/l10n.js/ - maybe thats already enough?"

Pato (talk)23:23, 13 November 2017