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Internationalizing lib.reviews through TWN

That's a good point re: CLDR. I've filed a bug for that and will get to that shortly.

Re: right-to-left-support, what I'd suggest is: 1) Once we get any RTL translation, I will add the basic LTR/RTL directionality markers alongside activating it. That part, I think, is relatively straightforward. 2) I will, however, need help from an actual speaker of the language, such as a translator, to verify that everything is done correctly, and to identify additional issues to resolve. Does that approach seem reasonable?

Here's the requested info:

  • Project name: lib.reviews
  • Logo: File:Libreviews.svg
  • Project page: Translating:lib.reviews
  • Description: "A free, open, not-for-profit website for reviewing absolutely anything"
  • GitHub access: Should be done, added you and Siebrand via the "collaborators" interface of the repository
Eloquence (talk)10:07, 14 September 2016