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Htmlform-no and Htmlform-yes

Indeed; as Nike said:

Not really fan of this.

In Finnish:

Is the sky blue? Kyllä/Ei

Are you over 18 years old? Kyllä/En

There doesn't seem to be such thing as generic yes-no question.

Nemo (talk)11:42, 13 April 2013

We have some such samples in Rhinelandic and Ripuarian languages, too: Negative expressions or denying formulation of a question => Answer "no" signals consent. Two question and answers having identical meanings, translated literally:

  • Q: Are you surely in good health? A: Yes, I am healthy.
  • Q: You are not in a bad health condition, are you? A: No. I am healthy.

Not a real problem though, I think, since we can always make sure to use positive (denial-free) formulated questions, or unambiguous imperatives directed towards the computer, e.g. "Do include thumbnails: Yes/No"

I am not certain about the fine grain, but also many Slavic languages as far as I know "suffer" from uncertainties arising from formulations with negations in questions.

Purodha Blissenbach (talk)11:39, 14 April 2013