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Considering to translate multiroutemap on Translatewiki

Comments on the comments:

  • There is no pot file in django. To create a new language there is a command: django-admin makemessages -l <two-letter language code>. They are updated with django-admin makemessages -a and finally compiled with django-admin compilemessages. You need to do this from the directory above the locale directory.
  • Putting the links into the patchwork messages is slightly tricky because they are django links that are dynamically created. I'll have a look. I wouldn't consider 'last update' as a patchwork message.

The other stuff should indeed be fixed/clarified.

Lonvia (talk)21:46, 27 February 2012

We'd need a pot file somehow. Otherwise there is nothing to bootstrap from.

Siebrand14:48, 28 February 2012

I've added an empty template language here: django/locale/xx/LC_MESSAGES/django.po

Would that be sufficient for bootstrapping?

Lonvia (talk)22:09, 3 March 2012

Yes we can use that. But it also needs to be kept up to date when messages change, because our software uses that as the authoritative information of what messages should be exported.

Nike (talk)08:49, 6 March 2012