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Allow disabling collapsing user tool links

Allow disabling collapsing user tool links

Hi. I usually fix invalid translations so I rarely edit here. Small enhancements make difficult for me to navigate through this site. Please move confusing feature collapsing user tool links from MediaWiki:Vector.js to enabled-by-default gadget. For most users nothing will change, but it will give all users ability to disable this feature. I can prepare a modified version of gadget and put it into my sandbox to make change faster. Thank you.

Beau (talk)08:45, 29 December 2011

I just made you sysop. Please feel free to make it happen.

Siebrand09:02, 29 December 2011

Thank you, I have made the change. I have noticed there are some issues when editing MediaWiki pages - I have trouble saving pages, preview and diff also does not work. When saving page does not load at all, and the browser in the end shows: Error 324 (net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE). To make an edit I have to press 'save' button couple of times. I don't know if this is a known issue.

I was also unable to write this reply using LQT ajax interface - after clicking reply no UI is shown. I had to right-click reply and open the link in the new tab. No errors were shown on console (Chromium 16.0.912.63).

Beau (talk)09:41, 29 December 2011

I have the same issue. Using http version instead of https version avoids that problem. Would you like to report this bug to chrome/chromium developers?

(Google Chrome 16.0.912.63)

Nike (talk)14:23, 29 December 2011

I take that as a no.

Nike (talk)17:09, 8 January 2012

I was going to report that, but I have other matters pilled up, so it is at the bottom of the queue right now :(.

Filled the report, issue 109555.

Beau (talk)17:13, 8 January 2012

Thank you!

Nike (talk)09:16, 9 January 2012