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About [[iHRIS:Com-tco-6ff685d1c73b89d830e3fa44a3dbff3e0d1ea66f-s Results (Passing Score s)/en]]

This message should support plural.

Siebrand15:03, 23 March 2014

The message is correct as it is. the s at the beginning and end are (placeholder) formatting strings (%s). so when substituted, the full message will be like: Pretest Results (Passing score: 75)

Do you think this is enough to proceed or we still need more modifications.


Sovello (talk)09:39, 26 September 2014

For what I know, dozens of Slavic languages are having more than one plural words, e.g. {{PLURAL:$1|участник|участника|участников}}.

Liuxinyu970226 (talk)11:42, 8 December 2014