About [[Wikimedia:Wikipedia-android-strings-share via/en]]
Message string "Share via" should intend some SNSes come after this string. But Japanese takes an objective __BEFORE__ the word "share" (equivalent). How would this string be shown in the App? It would be helpful if you post a screenshot or something.
On the right-hand side (on left-to-right interface; see this screenshot) there's a menu for page-specific actions; this menu contains the following options (in the following order):
- Wikipedia-android-strings-menu other languages (“
Read in other languages
”) - Wikipedia-android-strings-menu save page (“
Save page
”) - Wikipedia-android-strings-menu share page (“
Share link
”) - Wikipedia-android-strings-find in page (“
Find in page
Tapping on Wikipedia-android-strings-menu share page (“Share link
”) results in the following dialog:

As you can see, the message you asked about is used as a title for this dialog. The icons shown on the menu vary depending on what apps are installed on the device; my Nokia X has Firefox for Mobile and Terminal Emulator installed in addition to the standard preloaded apps, hence why those icons are visible on the above screenshot.