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About [[Translations:Translating:OpenStreetMap/Page display title/en]]

As you appear to have made successful translations after this comment, can I assume you were able to resolve this yourself?

Siebrand11:08, 9 May 2013

I'm sorry, I wasn't able to resolve this. The same problem I have encountered at this writing. I believe that I lack the authority to "override restricted interfaces". I've tried several times on the same translatable interface but the same problem is encountered. For info.

Geopoet (talk)04:12, 17 May 2013

As of this writing, translated texts remained unsaved and the same problem has been encountered. So I decided to lay low until this problem is resolved.

Please help.

Geopoet (talk)07:09, 17 May 2013

Hello, please translate MediaWiki in the meanwhile, as said on the other thread. Does this error always happen with the same message, Translations:Translating:OpenStreetMap/Page display title/bcl, or also elsewhere?

Nemo (talk)23:19, 18 May 2013

The link in the original query leads to a section of the "translatable pages" translating the Open Street Map project page. I also get a permission warning when I try to go to these messages in bcl, but can access them in 2 other languages (cy and cs), and can access other messages in the bcl translatable pages group. Also, I have noticed that the Open Street Map project page is not listed in the list of "Translatable pages" on the translation tool in language cy.

Lloffiwr (talk)20:17, 19 May 2013

That's correct, Translating:OpenStreetMap is discouraged (I made it translatable only to recover some translation made by mistake).

Nemo (talk)10:06, 20 May 2013

I see. Okay. Thanks for the help. I would just have to inform you other problems that I might encounter along the way.

Geopoet (talk)08:12, 30 May 2013