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translatewiki.net April 2011 Translation Rally results

I couldn’t understand that. Can you rephrase that?

Giftpflanze02:41, 2 May 2011

Gift, It seems the percentage stand for non-new translation messages. I do some of them which are already out of date translation in the past. that's way I got 1.9% againt my counting translation during rally, means abou 10 messages are non-new one. Just IMHO.

J Subhi pamandiran03:35, 2 May 2011

Thank you, that would make sense! :)

Giftpflanze03:42, 2 May 2011

Actually it is the percentage of new translations which have been edited after creation (have more than one version in history).

Nike07:25, 2 May 2011

Thanks, Niklas :)

Siebrand11:40, 2 May 2011