James Morrison, a FUDforum user, decided to pay a bounty of US$100 to the first two users who completely translate FUDforum's messages to any language that, as of 17 September 2009, is below 50% translated. If a single person completes two languages, he or she can claim both bounties.
Here are the rules:
- Pick a language that has less than 50% of its messages translated from here (new languages can also be added).
- Translate the remaining messages (+- 500 to 1000 messages depending on the current percentage).
- When done, announce your claim to the bounty here.
- The first two valid claims will be awarded US$100.
- Our decision if final. We will have full discretion to disqualify anyone who in our opinion acts outside the intentions of this bounty.
- After verification we will contact you by E-mail to get your account details. Please be aware that your cut includes bank or PayPal transfer costs, and may be lower because of that.
I claim my US$100
Please sign your name here if you think you should get the US$100:
- Dani
Valid (Hungarian from 9.91% to 100%). Well done and thanks for the effort! We will contact you shortly to finalize the transfer. Frank 18:02, 20 September 2009 (UTC)
- OsamaK.
Valid (Arabic from 23.24% to 100%). Great job! Thank you so much! Frank 19:02, 21 September 2009 (UTC)
This concludes the translation rally. Thank you very much to everyone who contributed. Even if you haven't made the bounty, your contributions are hugely appreciated!