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Portal talk:Ksh/LiquidThreads

From translatewiki.net
This page contains archived discussions using the Liquid Threads extension. You can still participate in existing conversations, but you should start new conversations using the new discussion tools on the main talk page.


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Documentation of plural rules212:53, 30 May 2012

Documentation of plural rules

I have drafted a list of Mediawiki plural rules for all languages. I would be grateful if a translator could check that the rules for Colognian are correctly recorded in the list. If I have made a mistake please go ahead and correct it.

Lloffiwr (talk)17:43, 28 April 2012

Yes, Colognian is correctly recorded in the list.

Purodha Blissenbach (talk)09:22, 30 May 2012

Thanks for checking.

Lloffiwr (talk)12:53, 30 May 2012