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From translatewiki.net
bh : Bhojpuri (भोजपुरी) (language family)
anp : Angika (अंगिका)  [edit]
bho : Bhojpuri (भोजपुरी)  [edit]
bmj : bmj (bmj)  [edit]
dhw : dhw (dhw)  [edit]
dry : dry (dry)  [edit]
dwz : dwz (dwz)  [edit]
hns : hns (hns)  [edit]
kra : kra (kra)  [edit]
kyw : kyw (kyw)  [edit]
mag : Magahi (मगही)  [edit]
mai : Maithili (मैथिली)  [edit]
mjz : mjz (mjz)  [edit]
pi : Pali (पालि)  [edit]
sck : sck (sck)  [edit]
sdr : sdr (sdr)  [edit]
sjp : sjp (sjp)  [edit]
smm : smm (smm)  [edit]
soi : soi (soi)  [edit]
tdb : tdb (tdb)  [edit]
the : the (the)  [edit]
thl : thl (thl)  [edit]
thq : thq (thq)  [edit]
thr : राना थारू (राना थारू)  [edit]
tkb : tkb (tkb)  [edit]
tkt : tkt (tkt)  [edit]