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Hi ZiqiLiang. Welcome to translatewiki.net!

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-- WelcomeMessageBot (talk) 01:23, 15 April 2022 (UTC)


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Wikistory 嘅粵文翻譯107:45, 14 May 2022

Wikistory 嘅粵文翻譯

Wikistory 入面嘅「story」,應該係指而家社交媒體流行嘅短片形式故仔,例如係 Instagram 嘅「限時動態」或 YouTube 嘅「短片故事」。將 Wikistory 譯做「維基歷史」似乎唔係好啱。

Hello903hello (talk)06:31, 14 May 2022

Dear Hello903hello,

Thank you very much for pointing out my mistake. I think I probably thought of it as "the story of wikipedia" hence "wikistory" but that's such a silly mistake. Or it's just a typo. If you can correct it for me, please do so.

Thank you very much.

Best regards,

Ziqi Liang

ZiqiLiang (talk)07:45, 14 May 2022