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Babel user information
uk-N Для цього користувача українська мова є рідною.
ru-4 Этот участник владеет русским языком почти как родным.
en-2 This user has intermediate knowledge of English.
Users by language


I am ERP consultant. Participation in projects on introduction of ERP system on a base of Oracle E-Business Suite in Ukraine and Poland. Knowledge of modules CRM, Finance, Logistics, WMS, Discrete Manufacturing and EAM.

ADempiere Business Suite Contributions

I have created in 2004 and support site www.compiere.com.ua (site under reconstruction). I have many materials on localisation for Ukraine (printing forms, Account Elements , etc.). My resource include many methodical materials on work with system and also a demonstration variant of the software package localised for Ukraine on the basis of Adempiere 3.6.0.