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Translating talk:Offline

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
You can get a white page when using Special:ImportTranslations to upload a PO file edited offline218:38, 18 June 2011
Regex based search in POedit211:42, 26 February 2011

You can get a white page when using Special:ImportTranslations to upload a PO file edited offline

I have get a white page when importing a translation and i'm not sure but i think why. I have made an offline translation (of statusnet-core project for basque language) and used Special:ImportTranslations to upload the PO file. After some seconds, this page shows me all the changes I want to do (strings add, change and remove).

As this process is very heavy, if the changes are many (more than 20-30) they are loaded in parts. So you have to push the "Execute" button more than once. In that case, the page explains you that the upload must be done by parts and that you have to push the button as many times as needed to save all the changes (adds, changes and removes).

Until here, all is ok. The problem is that if you push the "Execute" button too quickly, the process fails and you get a white page. I have made a try and push the "Execute" button after waiting 20-30 seconds since I see it in my browser and it worked!

So I think an advice should be added in the page and ask users to wait half a minute or so before clicking on the "Execute" button. It is just a suggestion. Some tests should be done to ensure that all I have seen is right.


Txopi16:31, 26 February 2011

We have made a few updates to the code that should identify problems in the uploaded file. No changes to the workflow, yet though.

Thanks for the report and the tips!

Siebrand12:57, 12 March 2011

Finally, I achieved to import the translation. Thank you!

Txopi18:38, 18 June 2011

Regex based search in POedit

Do you know if there's some tool to do a search for regex in POedit. I mean, I found a tool like this for gedit, but I'm not sure if gedit gets the format of the file right.

The Evil IP address08:13, 28 September 2010

No tools I am aware of.

Siebrand11:01, 26 February 2011

Lokalize can do that.

Nike11:42, 26 February 2011