Translating:Group statistics/Header7
Note: These statistics can be generated by running: [source]
php groupStatistics.php --skipzero --groups="core-mostused, core, ext-0-wikimedia, ext-0-all, ext-flaggedrevs-0-all" --skiplanguages="test, qqq, als, be-x-old, crh, de-formal, dk, en-gb, got, hif, kk, kk-cn, iu, kk-kz, kk-tr, ku,nb, ruq, simple, sr, tg, tp, tt, zh, zh-cn, zh-sg, zh-hk, zh-min-nan, zh-yue"
This page is updated with a script. Please do not manually update these statistics!
Please note that statistics for languages without translations are not displayed.
Group statistics
Also see: Group statistics in time
This site is running on : 1.44.0-alpha
Statistics are based on: 1.14alpha ({{{1}}})
Code | Language name | Most often used messages | MediaWiki messages | Extensions used by Wikimedia | All extensions | Flagged Revs |

The documentation of this template is included from the "Translating:Group statistics/Header7/doc" page.
- Usage:
This subpage is included to generate and localize the top of the page at Translating:Group statistics.
- Translation: