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Babel extension on translatewiki

Babel extension on translatewiki

Hoi, we are developing the Babel extension here at translatewiki.net ... Could you help us by localising this extension for us? Thanks, GerardM 14:30, 27 February 2010 (UTC)

GerardM14:30, 27 February 2010

Hello GerardM,

I dont know much about the Babel extension, so I somehow doubt if I would be able. Babel has to do with these icons assembled on user's pages by ranking themself and expressing rather precisely a user's self-estimation, hasn't it? Could you give me a link explaining all that?

Silvicola08:27, 28 February 2010

this is where the Babel extension can be localised. It is indeed about self estimation. It is what we use on translatewiki on most user pages .. :) Thanks,

GerardM09:08, 28 February 2010

I did translate the 21 or so messages, possibly sometimes with a flavor of the non-central Hohenlohian subdialect. You could ask User:Altaileopard for correction, whose dialect is more standard.

Silvicola04:12, 2 March 2010

Thank you :)

GerardM05:50, 2 March 2010