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CLDR language names in Macedonian

I wish I had the availability to rise up to the challenge. Maybe in a few months...

Hamilton Abreu16:34, 26 July 2010

I really hope you find the time. I would love this issue tackled once and for all. Feel free to offer them a cooperation and/or inclusion into our platform. We'd love to be the forefront for CLDR, so only validation would have to happen there.

Siebrand19:29, 26 July 2010

I started CLDRs ksh locale with a bug tracker request about a year ago, asking for the locale to be created, and access to the survey tool. Later, I used the survey tool to supply (parts of the) data. Some (quite essential) parts cannot be entered in the survey tool (yet) so I also created a set of tracker items. None of them were processed in time for the current release, if I recall that right. Missing data from those tracker items prohibited entering quite some survey tool items. Also missing documentation, and bugs in the survey tool prohibited entering some more items in the survey tool, or to correct spelling errors, etc.

I would like to support CLDR doing better. As long as their survey tool is usually closed most of the time (I assume while they are enhancing it programmatically) I see little more thyt could be done than collecting single suggested minor amendments somewhere else, however. Collecting large portions of data elsewhere does imho not make sense, because it duplicates labour; so better wait for the survey tool to become available the next time and do it only once.

With the given processing model, I believe, it will normally take at least 3 years, until a missing locale would be rather complete - not necessarily bug-free of course.

I shall collect CLDR data to be amended in Talk:CLDR, but things not supported by the survey tool, suggested enhancements of data structures, the survey tool, the workflow, etc. should imho go directly to their tracker asap.

Purodha Blissenbach00:32, 27 July 2010