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Tresladaciones (Traduksiones)

I am sorry that you got offended by what I wrote, it was not my intention. I don't think you are ignorant, however we haven't communicated before and as an admin in the Ladino Wikipedia, I have encountered countless people doing just that, just changing those letters in order to get Judaeo-Spanish. That's the only reason, I felt my self obligated to remind people, every time it happens, that it's not the case. So, please don't take it so personal. Even people in those institutes you mentioned do such mistakes from time to time.

In regard to those institutions, I am / have been in close contact with them since a long time, especially Aki Yerushalayim, Autoridad Nasionala del Ladino and Istanbul Sephardic Center. They have a philosophy that many others, including me do not agree. Just the fact that we don't have a common language philosophy, is not a reason enough stop us from collaborating. However we would not use the word uésped just because Autoridad Nasionala del Ladino uses it...the speakers say mussafir and not uésped. Pájina is a similar case. As much as it would be nice to have an academy such the Real Academía Española that is authoritative in our language, unfortunately Autoridad Nasionala del Ladino doesn't fulfill that function. Their choice in the use of words are as much personal as mine or yours. However, each time, I get stuck with difficulties like this, I consult the users in the Wikipedia, other native speakers and even sometimes conduct small surveys on active facebook groups where Judaeo-Spanish is spoken, to see what is preferred, where I also take into consideration all the info I recover through their comments as well.


Universal Life (talk)12:08, 15 January 2014