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Update Babel

Update Babel

Hi, I just want to point out that your Babel says you speak Wallisian, English and French natively. The "native" level means that is your mother tongue (and you seem to have three mother tongues according to your Babel). You can update this by putting a number between 0 and 5 in those.

  • 0 = No knowledge or difficulty understanding
  • 1 = Basic knowledge
  • 2 = Intermediate knowledge
  • 3 = Advanced knowledge
  • 4 = Near-native knowledge
  • 5 = Professional knowledge (e.g a degree in X language)
  • N = Native language

For example, fr-N, wls-4 and en-3 or something like that. Otherwise keep up the good work translating into Wallisian.

MinecraftAustralia (talk)06:50, 29 August 2021