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Writing system

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Kahin He

Oh! As for your questions,

I think this language is traditionally written in Latin. Also, Writing in Latin may make it look formal, (even though there's nowhere it may be used formally.)

While writing in Chinese characters is sometimes convenient than in Latin and is more academic. Also, many (or even most) linguistic amateurs like me are using Chinese characters.

Chinese characters system is more intuitive(直观的) -- the meaning of words can be easier to get. While Latin system is more easier to get the words' pronunciation, which help to understand the words which are unique in this language.

By the way, the Latin system was invented hundreds of years ago, so that a lot of words' pronunciations has changed, which also makes Latin system hard to use.

(Oh it's too late here. Maybe I should go to bed.)

Kahin He (talk)16:32, 20 October 2022