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Greetings! I'm one of the lead web developers on the Encyclopedia of Life project. Thanks so much for your help in translating EOL to Ukrainian. I'm adding Ukrainian to the active languages right now, and you should see it live next week, once we deploy (0900 ET Thursday next week).

There are still a few high-profile missing translations (such as global_access_tagline, maps_with_count, and media_with_count), so if you have the chance, a little more work would go a long way. But on the whole, it looks really good! Thanks again, we deeply appreciate it.

Jrice (talk)20:18, 2 December 2013

Please properly declare your plural forms for EOL. This for example is incorrect:

See http://unicode.org/repos/cldr-tmp/trunk/diff/supplemental/language_plural_rules.html#uk

For Ukranian, you have to use one, few, many, and there is not need to declare the last plural form (other).

Siebrand23:03, 5 December 2013

Hello! I know about these forms. I didn't use a plural form for other. For example, in translation of EOL:Website-other taxa with count/uk { { PLURAL|one=%{count} інший таксон|%{count} інші таксони|%{count} інших таксонів } } the first substring "one=%{count} інший таксон" is a single form, the second substring "%{count} інші таксони" is a plural form for few, and third substring "%{count} інших таксонів" is a plural form for many. Actually I did'n use these categories few and many in declaration PLURAL. But today I have reviewed all unfuzzy strings and added it. For example: { { PLURAL|one=%{count} інший таксон|few=%{count} інші таксони|many=%{count} інших таксонів } } (without spaces between double curly brackets).

Андрій Бандура (talk)15:13, 7 December 2013

Thanks. In the example given, it looks like "other" is now missing. The issue is that Rails i18n, the i18n framework that Encyclopedia of Life uses, is not as smart as MediaWiki's. In MediaWiki, any undeclared form will use the other form, but in rails-i18n, ALL forms must be defined in all cases. So if plural is used on a message for EOL, and it's translated into "uk", it must always look like this:


I hope this clears up any confusion. I know it's not easy. Thank you for volunteering your time to make EOL better!

Siebrand15:22, 7 December 2013