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HTML tag error in 'Body'

HTML tag error in 'Body'

Re: Body ("<p>Hello,</p><p>This email was sent because you created an account at the Open Images website. We need you to verify this email address to activate your account.</p><p>Please visit <a href="{1}">{1}</a> to activate your account.</p><p>Thank you and best regards,</p><p>Open Images</p>")

Before "Regards," there is a double <p> tag. Also, the previous <p> tag was not closed. So I suspect the double <p> tag was meant to be: </p><p>

McDutchie15:09, 8 January 2011

Seems fine by me. Cheers,

Elfuego15:41, 12 January 2011


Lcawte16:02, 12 January 2011