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Toolserver Tools - Soxred93: PLURAL template necessary

Toolserver Tools - Soxred93: PLURAL template necessary

I think the messages toolbase-replag-years, toolbase-replage-months etc. follow the message toolbase-replag that contains the numerical parameter $1. This parameter requires the PLURAL template in the messages toolbase-replag-years, toolbase-replag-months, toolbase-replag-weeks, toolbase-replag-days, toolbase-replag-hours, toolbase-replag-minutes and toolbase-replag-seconds.

The message toolbase-footer-exactime requires PLURAL template as well.

Michawiki11:37, 19 January 2011

All messages marked as "Toolserver Tools" are no real MediaWiki extensions but toolserver tools (what a surprise ;-)

Therefore they do not support the standard MediaWiki functions like PLURAL & co.

Raymond17:21, 19 January 2011

Thanks. I proceeded on the assumption that all MediaWiki extensions can support PLURAL.

Michawiki20:28, 19 January 2011

Yes, this assumption is understandable.

Raymond14:06, 20 January 2011

This is a suggestion made without proper research.

Would it be possible to implement {{PLURAL|...}} in the toolserver messages?

Purodha Blissenbach12:37, 20 January 2011

Please request this feature from the toolserver guys directly. As far as I know every toolserver tool is a stand alone PHP program. I fear every programmers has to implement this feature itself. But nothing Translatewiki can do for you. Sorry.

Raymond14:10, 20 January 2011

Using PHP is not a requirement, so it can be any programming language; me alone using six different ones at least. As I said, no research, isn't there a library delivering strings to programs, which could take the parameter substitution and formatting stuff in a centralized way?

Purodha Blissenbach06:30, 21 January 2011

Not really. Some simple library that could easily be ported to different languages, and which handles plurals, grammar, gender etc. would of course be great. Gettext really isn't up to date when it comes to these things.

Nike09:11, 21 January 2011

The interface to translate messages of the Toolserver in Translatewiki is developed by Krinkle. As far as I know he tries to implement such features like plural-support at moment.

Jan Luca12:17, 9 May 2011
Edited by 2 users.
Last edit: 07:36, 12 June 2011

The goal of the Toolserver Intuition project is mainly two poins:

  • Get translations out there at all, and do it via translatewiki.net
  • Remove the need for programmers to reinvent the messaging wheel (fallbacks, variable replacements, plural, etc.)

There have been i18n projects in the past, but to my knowledge, none of them addressed both of these.

There is a PHP class available on the Toolserver through Intuition that takes care of this, all they do is $I18N->msg( key )

Plural is one of the major features aimed to be implemented with the 1.0 milestone. Another major point is a JavaScript implementation of the PHP class.

Krinkle22:28, 11 June 2011