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Some translations don't get saved

Some translations don't get saved

Some of the translations I made today do not "stick", i.e., they do not get saved.

For instance, MediaWiki:Listfiles-latestversion-yes/pt. I put in the text "Sim", I save the page, and voilà: it still doesn't exist! It doesn't happen to all messages, but a significant few.

Malafaya (talk)16:08, 22 October 2013

I think I got it: if a message is new (i.e. no page for it exists) but a message in the fallback language exists and is the same, then the page doesn't get created. I managed to work it around by creating the message with a different text and then editing it to the correct text (which happens to be the same as for pt-br).

Malafaya (talk)16:11, 22 October 2013