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Some pages are incompletely renderred

How about collecting all pages that may need reworking, updating, deletion, being moved or replaced into a category so that existing information is kept, and creating a structured collection of the topics that we want to say something about in a sitemap type of page? It would be giving a structure, can spur discussion, and finally become a guide for writers, translators and readers of contents.

Currently, I see as pages to be considered the "Main page", the pages linked to from there, the pages linked to from "Template:ProcessNavigation", and each page "Translating:some-product-name" (plus likely some linked to from them such as "Plural", "Gender" and "Grammar"), then: "CLDR", "Project:General_disclaimer", "Project:About", "Project:Privacy_policy", "Support", "Project:News", "Project:Offline", "Fuzzy", Translating:Why use translatewiki.net.

Also, I suggest to tag explanatory and supportive pages (such as "Plural") with the products, that they apply to - maybe even do negative tagging as well - for instance putting a common icon bar in each of those pages, where non-applicable ones are both grayed and X-ed out.

How about marking and categorizing some pages as outdated, such as Project:Server admin log?

Purodha Blissenbach11:51, 8 February 2011