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Red 'untranslated' marker seem in wrong position.

Red 'untranslated' marker seem in wrong position.

Edited by author.
Last edit: 19:31, 21 March 2011
Screenshot of the light red marked area which should be extending 3 lines deeper down.

In page Project_list/ksh, there are light red marks for untranslated or outdated content, but look like mispositioned, do not match translateable sections, and in the corresponding translation list, there are no untranslated messages.

Purodha Blissenbach16:49, 21 March 2011

There is an untranslated message. Spans all appear to be in the right place. I see the same thing. Could be an issue with the plainlinks span or something. I'm not a CSS guru.

Siebrand17:13, 21 March 2011
Edited by author.
Last edit: 19:47, 21 March 2011

I am puzzled. Indeeed, the list of untranslated messages shows one. The full list shows it, too, but it is simply listed, not fuzzied, not untranslated, no other mark, no difference to the translated messages in the same list. Thus I had of course been assuming, it was translated as well as all others.

I am also puzzled because I am certain that I did already meke the differential translation, or at least part of it, that is required here. Maybe I am confusing this with an almost identical similar list, if we have one. Maybe, my past translation had not been saved. I don't know.

Is there a chance to split the list, and make each list entry translateable on its own? That would make life for me at least much easier since I would not have to check every entry each time the list is altered.


Purodha Blissenbach18:59, 21 March 2011

Just fix the fuzzy. I'm not going to invalidate all curreent translations.

Siebrand19:25, 21 March 2011

Yes, of course.

Purodha Blissenbach19:32, 21 March 2011

If there are <span>s wrapped around the list, this may be possibly wrong HTML. At least arbitrary nestings of block elements with inline elements are not allowed and may indeed confuse CSS up to a complete mess. The list itself is a block element, and each list item is, too, unless you respecify them in your CSS.

I naïvely think, wrapping translateable inline elements into another inline element, like <span>, and wrapping transalteable block elements into another block element, like <div> for the purpose of marking would be a good choice, but also I am neither an HTML nor a CSS guru.

Purodha Blissenbach20:01, 21 March 2011

The thing is it is not easy to say whether it is a block or inline element, or neither.

Nike21:07, 21 March 2011

Yep. I was afraid to get this reply, and I agree :-(

Purodha Blissenbach23:12, 21 March 2011