New language request
It is sometimes considered as a Russian or Urkainian dialect, so we can use ru-sib or ru-uk codes, actually they usually used "ru-sib" in Wikipedia.
ru-sib was removed from MediaWiki and as a Wikipedia because there was too much trolling. The current policy on both and Wikimedia will not allow for non-standardised language codes. So 'Siberian Russian' or 'Siberian Ukranian' is out of the question.
Translation of system messages in that language is necessary for the development some project, not in Wikimedia Foundation, where the edition on the Siberian language is created with the consent of the site administration. There is no "trolling" in the MediaWiki system messages can not be.
We are asking to create a language to translate and update the interface based on your site. As a language code can use "ru-sib" or another.
To avoid much discussion, are we able to make translation in our own server using some MediaWiki extension or something else?
Yes, add a file called 'MessagesXxx.php' where 'Xxx' is the language code in the folder where 'MessagesEn.php' is. You can copy from MessagesRu.php for example. Then add an entry for 'xxx' in Names.php to make the code active.
And is it possible to automate this with the Translate extension, based on the Russian original messages from official MediaWiki repository? At the same time use the same extension Translate to translate some of the required extensions of MediaWiki on the Siberian language (in our own server)? What are the configuration settings for the Translate extension necessary for this?