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GRAMMAR problem in Hebrew

GRAMMAR problem in Hebrew

I am trying to understand why doesn't MediaWiki:Twn-mainpage-projectlist/he work as expected here.

The correct result string is supposed to be: "מיזמים המשתמשים ב־translatewiki.net"

The actual result when i use the preview button on the translation page is correct: "מיזמים המשתמשים ב־translatewiki.net".

But when i save it, the result that i see is this: "מיזמים המשתמשים בtranslatewiki.net". This is also what i see when this string is displayed on the actual main page of TWN when my interface language in the preferences is Hebrew.

The difference is that in the correct result there's a Hebrew hyphen (maqaf) between the Hebrew letter "ב" and the name "translatewiki.net". The hyphen is added by LanguageHe.php. The code seems to be simple, but it seems that it only works in the preview and not in the actual display. What's the problem?

Amir E. Aharoni09:03, 9 February 2011

The main page is always rendered in English. I'll see if I can fix that.

Nike09:07, 9 February 2011

Do you mean that it is not rendered using the right LanguageXX.php file? Because the Hebrew strings are picked.

And as i said, it's not just the main page - it's also the message page. It only seems to work correctly when using the preview button.

I knew that this grammar function for Hebrew exists, but i thought that it doesn't actually work, so i jumped through silly hoops to avoid writing strings where it would be used...

Amir E. Aharoni09:12, 9 February 2011

Reporting that was on my agenda as well. I found:

  MediaWiki:message    Translatable page element
Edit preview good wrong
Rendered as single page wrong wrong
Rendered in translated page - good

I have looked for it but not found a piece of code which I might suspect to be responsible, only several ones, which weren't. I believe the "Rendered as single page" cases at least likely need to be fixed outside Extension:Translate. Greetings.

Purodha Blissenbach10:24, 9 February 2011

Main page is a unique case. What Pages in MediaWiki namespace show are irrelevant (except that they are confusing to users)., 9 February 2011