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'qp_error_too_many_spans' and 'qp_error_too_few_spans' are quite simple. The extension allows to group categories of answers into "spans" which are similar to sets of radiobuttons. Total sum of number of categories defined in spans should match total number of categories defined. That's all. There are three examples (for old version, however should work for trunk as well):

Categories "1" and "2" belong to span "A" (1/2 are a set of radiobuttons). Categories "3" and "4" belongs to span "B" (3/4 are separate set of radiobuttons). Header of poll is "OK".

{Checking various types of questions, 2
|| Two categories span "A"|| Two categories span "B"
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Categories "1", "2", "3" belong to span "A". Span "B" claims that two categories belong to him. However there is only one category defined left: "4". So there is 'qp_error_too_many_spans' error.

{Checking various types of questions, 2
||| Three categories span "A"|| Two categories span "B"
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Categories "1" and "2" belong to span "A". Categories "3" and "4" belong to span "B". However, there is still one "spanless" category "5" left. There is 'qp_error_too_few_spans' error.

{Checking various types of questions, 2
|| Two categories span "A"|| Two categories span "B"
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
QuestPC (talk)06:44, 26 July 2012