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Deleting unused strings from translated language files

Hi Damien,

  • removed unused strings --> This should be fine but would recommend doing it only for the source language and not the foreign language files.
  • moving strings around in the file --> Again no issues here and should be fine.
  • renaming a language string --> This is also fine. Thanks for the ping regarding this. We will review and do the necessary renaming on our end, which is quite easy.


Abijeet Patro (talk)07:42, 7 October 2019

Hello Abijeet,

FYI the pull request https://github.com/mantisbt/mantisbt/pull/1564 has been merged a few minutes ago, feel free to do your magic at your next convenience.

Cheers, Damien

-- Damien08:32, 9 October 2019

Hi Damien,

This is done. Translatwiki now has and tracks the renamed language keys.


Abijeet Patro (talk)15:13, 9 October 2019