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About [[iHRIS:Com-tco-a3a0cb5338d16a8c7785e4502fd3966069345304-add student Add Student/en]]

Looks like something's wrong with this string.

Siebrand14:59, 23 March 2014

I have looked for string "add student Add Student" and couldn't find it. Maybe the translation templating engine removed some punctuations because what I see in the .po and .pot files is add_student:Add Student. add_student here is used as a tag (like default:Firstname in other strings).

Carl: is there a way we can set so that the tags (like default:Firstname or generate:Generate this number) don't show up in the pot files?


Sovello (talk)07:27, 26 September 2014

Fixed in code, the pot file should be re-generated to include the changes. lp:ihris-common revision 1024

Sovello (talk)09:06, 29 September 2014