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About [[Wikia:Chat-chatbanadd-log-entry/en]], [[Wikia:Chat-chatbanchange-log-entry/en]]

Edited by 2 users.
Last edit: 23:24, 27 February 2013

banned $1 from chat with an expiry time of $2, ends $3

Please document current parameters. Look closely at what happens for indefinite bans.

Same goes for Wikia:Chat-chatbanchange-log-entry/en:

changed ban settings for $1 with an expiry time of $2, ends $3.

Siebrand23:16, 12 August 2012

Because of the unique interface of Chat & the amount of JavaScript required in this extension, I am kicking this up the chain to the Chat engineers at Wikia. I have filed a formal bug ticket with our staff. I will update this thread once I hear more from our staff.

Timothy Quievryn (talk)23:29, 27 February 2013