About [[MediaWiki:Flow-suppress-post-content/en]]
We know about "suppress" aka old "oversight" and about delete, but what is hide then?
No response, moved to bugzilla:67967.
How does suppress compare to hiding and deleting? Can the post still be viewed in some way?
- Flow-hide-post-content (“
Detta inlägg {{GENDER:$1|doldes}} av $1 ([$2 historik])
”) - Flow-delete-post-content (“
Detta inlägg {{GENDER:$1|raderades}} av $1 ([$2 historik])
”) - Flow-suppress-post-content (“
Detta inlägg {{GENDER:$1|censurerades}} av $1 ([$2 historik])
The link goes to a page that only says that the thread was closed. This alone does not help. How do you get the entire thread when you have the summary?
Thread is here. (I.e. just replace summary by thread).
The link essentially states that suppression is more severe than a deletion (meaning that the current Swedish translation is wrong). If it's comparable to what oversighters do then, at least for Swedish, "censoring" is a clearer description (although this of course has often negative connotations).
Thanks for the clarification.