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About [[Intuition:Raun-def i/en]]

Documentation does not help.

  1. There are no such abbreviations in my target language that would be understood.
  2. What is the context of the message and the abbreviations and how are they used?
  3. Are there messages that relate to this one and could be used to introduce abbreviations?
  4. Why abbreviate at all?
Purodha Blissenbach (talk)07:25, 15 May 2015

Sorry for taking way too long time to reply. The intention of this message was to make it look like an entry from dictionary, where usually an entry consists of:

  1. The entry name (in bold)
  2. The entry's property (e.g. whether entry is a noun, adjective, verb, etc.), usually abbreviated
  3. The entry's definition

In this translation message, it was intended for #2.

Kenrick95 (talk)12:32, 17 January 2017