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I really sorry about wrong working. I'll work healthy. Thanks Give translator premission english to korean. --Pakman 14:40, 23 December 2009 (UTC)

Pakman14:40, 23 December 2009

Request denied because there is not enough data to make a decision on. Please let me know if you have been into contact with User:ToePeu and worked things out. Without it, I will deny the request until this is done and he supports this request.

Siebrand15:20, 23 December 2009
Edited by another user.
Last edit: 19:54, 23 December 2009

it is terrible. i lost message with accidental backspace.

conclusion is disagree.

this is message for pakman. i don't know how to make comment for pakman's message.

rescripting breifly

i disagreed your translator permission with this reason <quote>

please remove edit permission of this user. this user do not understand even mediawiki - so make junk edit also in ko.wp - well and is making junk messages in translatewiki. this user even made a korean translation on FreeCol message of fy locale. ToePeu 07:01, 14 August 2009 (UTC)

</quote> i cannot find some pages because i do not have permission to view deleted revision, but it was enough.

we need translators who understand mediawiki and have ability to make good korean, not just word-matching translation.

your user page say "I can translate English to Korean", and yes, i agree, but not on translatewiki.net. as you are watching, i am not a good english speaker. to translate software, you should understand about the software firstly. and you are not. after your bad edits, you are document-editor in ko.wp. it may prove you are a good editor or a good translator, but still do not prove you are now understanding mediawiki.

i suggest these:

  1. make more experience in mediawiki. good writer can write good documents on mediawiki without understand what mediawiki do, but not the software messages. you should understand mediawiki firstly.
  2. please be careful about what you are doing. mediawiki translator should be careful before trying to edit critical messages, for example, magic word. it is not always able to revert wrong edits because of software or user-culture. one of your magic word translation was obvious error just because you do not know what mediawiki is but what english is. if you were more considerable, you may not edit what you do not know because you never find error with your action.

i fixed hundreds messages in last summer because it was not clear korean, do not express mediawiki or do not reflect mediawiki system.

please ask and reply your self questions below, and you got yes for all, retry again. i will not disagree next time because your translation will show you are honest or not.

  1. Are you understanding what mediawiki do?
  2. Are you understanding how mediawiki works?
  3. Are you understanding your mistake will make terrible result for whole mediawiki in the world? ( not like a article in a project )
  4. Are you good at creating clear and natural korean?
  5. Will you show responsibility about your edits? ( Will you not edit messages you do not understand? )

i am really sorry to disturb your affection to mediawiki.

thank you :)

ToePeu18:20, 23 December 2009

OK. Based on the above, I'm denying the request for translator access. Still hope there will be more able and active translators for Korean. We need them :)

Siebrand19:52, 23 December 2009